Lecture 1 – PdP Introduction

Starting date: September 11, 2019
Starting time: 16:15

Product Development Project course is just about to start, and we are so excited.
The first lecture with other activities starts Wednesday, 11th September, at 16:15 at Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5C).

The first lecture starts with an introduction to course arrangements. The course introduces teamwork in a context that is new to most participants: global and interdisciplinary team, real development challenge, international partner universities, budget for realizing your plans. After that, there will be a call for students who would like to volunteer for the role of project manager. The lecture continues with an introduction to successful team working. The final part of the lecture is a team activity, no teams will be fixed yet, but you will receive guidelines on the spot.

We are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, 11th September at Design Factory!

PdP Staff